Bar Rocking N Farm

A little farm & cottage bakery on the Homestead

Offering fresh and nutritious baked goods made with freshly milled flour (FMF) from wheat berries and other grains.   
Sourdough starter fed with FMF



Do you still buy it? 

Have you ever taken a look at the ingredients?


If you make your own bread or buy homemade bread, then you know it doesn’t last for weeks. Why?  

It lacks all the preservatives to keep it around forever. 


Controversial to what many believe, bread is not bad. As a matter of fact, the Bible even speaks to grains and bread.  I believe God intended on us to use them to fuel our bodies.    What he didn’t intend is to fuel them with all the extra “stuff”.    Can you imagine what it’s doing to our body!   


We live in a crazy fast paced world.    Everyone has places to be and convenience is key.  But that doesn’t mean we have to settle for all bad foods.     Trust me, I am not 100% on clean eating and only healthy foods.    But I do consider myself intentional a majority of the time.      Do I still eat out and have an occasional order of McDonald’s French fries.  Well yeah.  I’m human!   But I will say after eating the less clean foods I usually feel yuck!   And question my poor decision. 


Let’s get back to the subject at hand and less on my poor eating habits.     


This year take a look at something you eat that is less than clean.  Pick one thing!    You don’t have to be 100%.  Every bit helps.  But I know from personal experience that benefits of clean eating is tremendous!!!  


Now you’re probably saying I don’t want to bake, don’t know how (yeah I can attest to that one but look at me now) or just don’t have time!     No worries there are so many friends, small businesses, and cottage bakeries in our area that would love to help you!     


This is not a pitch for business but a pitch to look at what you are eating and decide in 2025 is the big name foods really worth your health?  What you are feeding the people you love?   


As for me, I use the healthiest ingredients I can find.   And that is making my own flour by starting with organic grains and milling just prior to using it.  Why?   This guarantees the most nutritional benefits I can get.     More on that another day!  


Do yourself a favor this year and choose to be intentional on what you eat. 




Ingredients: Flour (freshly milled wheat berries), raw milk or water, ancient sea salt, organic cane sugar or honey, organic extra virgin olive oil, active yeast

Hi, I'm Pam!

I began this journey more than two years ago when I made the conscious decision to live a less-complicated life. I boldly changed jobs, moving from the chaos of a post-pandemic hospital to a more steady-paced work from home position that allowed me to upgrade my 9-5 view from a tiny gray cubicle to green pastures, wildlife, and farm animals. I leaned into my faith, learned to “be still”, and paid closer attention to where God was leading me  - which, at the time, seemed to be the most unlikely of places - my kitchen.


 You see, I had been married to an excellent cook for more than 20 years and was the friend who was asked to bring the paper plates to a ladies potluck luncheon, so I was never challenged with learning how to bake or manage a kitchen and I became accustomed to not having the confidence to try. But in this new chapter of my life, reorganizing my priorities included saving money at the grocery store and eating healthier, so armed with determination, I educated myself and came to the conclusion I needed to bake my own bread. I quickly learned that the ingredients were easy to find and the process of creating and sharing baked goods was fulfilling, but the additives were not bringing me closer to healthy living. Over the next two years, I researched and experimented with whole grains, began milling my own flour, added a vegetable garden to the property, and established the Bar Rocking N Farm with chickens, ducks, goats, rabbits and have plans to add pigs and cattle. The result is a delicious and nutritious array of baked goods and a sense of accomplishment in actively participating in making my own dreams come true.


 What started as a journey of self-improvement two years ago in my kitchen with a bread pan and a desire for cleaner living, has blossomed into a thriving little farm that not only grows food to sustain healthy bodies, but provides an outlet for creativity, a serene spot for reflection and meditation, and the setting for some interesting conversations between me and my beloved animal friends. I have learned so much about myself and what is truly important in my life, and it fills my cup to be at a place where I can share this with you!


 So as you browse this site and consider the healthy food items available for purchase, I hope you are inspired to take care of yourself – mind, body and spirit. It is never too late to change the trajectory of your life and adopt a healthy lifestyle, and maximizing the nutritional value of what you eat is a great place to start.

 At 50 years old, I began shifting away from what was easy and familiar and started walking in my purpose, and it has dramatically changed my life for the better. Yes, there have been obstacles along the way, but my friend, if I can overcome and find peace, so can you.


Thank you for visiting Bar Rocking N Farm and allowing me to share the story of my little farm and cottage bakery on the Homestead.

Pam ❤

Enjoy tasty and nutritious baked goods made with

Freshly Milled Flour (FMF) from wheat berries and other grains.

Sourdough starter fed with FMF.







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BarRockingN Farm


Frenchies on the Farm